Lead CRM Tasks
  • 27 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Lead CRM Tasks

Article Summary

When working with potential families who are interested in placing their child at your center, you need to ensure that leads are contacted quickly so that they don't lose interest or decide to go somewhere else. Procare makes keeping track of your to-do's easier by adding a "Tasks" section to our Leads feature.

The Leads > Tasks screen allows you to create tasks related to an action, email or phone call that a specific staff member will need to complete within an assigned due date.

Please Note: The Leads > Tasks screen is a premium feature. Please contact Support for more information.

Navigate to the Leads > Tasks screen and click "Create Task" in the upper right.

Complete the Edit Task popup.

  • Title - enter the name of your task
  • Lead - search or select the lead this task should be associated with
  • Type - select the type of task: Call, Email or To-Do
  • Note - enter additional details or steps the staff member must take to complete the task
  • Due Date - select a date and time the task must be completed by
  • Assigned To - choose the staff member to assigned the task to. This staff member will receive an email notifying them of the task

Use the filter options to narrow down which tasks display.

After completing the task, the assigned staff member would change the "Open" status to "Closed" by clicking on the "Open" button in the Status column.

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